481 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor Internal Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Telepon Seluler

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    oai:ojs2.www.journal.stianasional.ac.id:article/2Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor budaya, sosial, pribadi dan psikologis konsumen terhadap keputusan pembelian produk telepon seluler. Sampel yang dianalisis sebanyak 100 orang pemakai berbagai merek telepon seluler di Kota Lhokseumawe yang ditetapkan secara accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan Regresi Linear Berganda menunjukkan bahwa faktor budaya dan faktor sosial berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan pembelian produk telepon seluler dan faktor pribadi dan psikologis konsumen berpengaruh negatif terhadap keputusan pembelian produk telepon seluler

    Determinan Kinerja Guru di Kabupaten Aceh Utara melalui motivasi sebagai variable intervening

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    This study analyzes several variables that affect teacher performance in North Aceh. The variable that wants to be disclosed is Competence. Respondents in this study are 198 junior high school teachers in North Aceh. Leadership, motivation and their influence on teacher performance. The sampling method used is a saturated sample. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 21 software. From the results of the study, it can be seen that the influence of competence on motivation is not significant, the influence of leadership on motivation is very significant. Meanwhile, the influence of competence on teacher performance is also very significant. Likewise, the influence of leadership on teacher performance is also significant. Motivation was also found to mediate the influence between Competence and Leadership on Teacher Performance. It is recommended to improve teacher performance, it is hoped that the leadership or principal of SMP Negeri in North Aceh Regency to improve teacher competence, improve leadership abilities and also increase motivation for teachers so that their performance will increase in the future

    The Role of Digital Marketing Platforms on Supply Chain Management for Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) at Indonesia

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    Abstract. The main aim is to investigate the digital technologies supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating in creative industries in their supply chain management strategies. In the globalization era, digital marketing platforms play a significant role in increasing customer loyalty and indirectly effect on the economic growth of a community. In conjunction with its essential issue, the current study aims to investigate the role of digital marketing platforms (online media) and its structural relationship to the consumer satisfaction and loyalty in SMEs at Aceh province, Indonesia. This study designed using Quantitative analysis with a cross-sectional study through a survey questionnaire. This study involved all of the customers the SMEs products in Aceh province, Indonesia. A total of 219 customers have participated in answering the survey questionnaire via Google forms. The data analyzed using the Analysis of Moments Structure by assisting the statistical software IBM - AMOS Version 22. The digital platforms performed by using the Sobel test. The results of this study found that the digital marketing for supply chain (online media) significantly affect consumer satisfaction. Then, digital supply chain has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction. Also, this study found that the product review does not significantly affect the consumer loyalty. Besides that, the consumer satisfaction and the use of online media directly affect the consumer loyalty. In conclusions, this study successfully investigated the online media digital supply chain, and consumer satisfaction and its structural relationship on consumer loyalty in SMEs products that viewed as a digital marketing perspective. Then, this study comprehensively evaluated the role of digital supply chain, consumer satisfaction, and consumer loyalty in providing SME products with competitive advantages that contribute to regional economic growth. Supply chain management practices were also statistically significant, and mediated the relationship between customer satisfaction and product quality and flexibilit

    Analysis of Seismicity and Related Seismic Risk in Muslim Countries: Case Studies from Afghanistan and Pakistan

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    How communities respond to a natural hazard is influenced by how they perceive it. This dissertation evaluated the gap between intent and action regarding earthquake hazards in Muslim countries with a focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan. Cultural biases provided predictions of risk perceptions and risk-taking preferences that were often more powerful than measures of knowledge and experience. In Muslim communities, perception of risk was influenced by the teachings of Islam and related rituals, traditions, and culture. This study evaluated the seismicity and earthquake hazard in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Assessments of seismic risk and perception of danger were conducted to examine experiences, knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions. In a series of surveys, assessment of perceived earthquake danger was undertaken. Findings revealed (i) an understanding collective earthquake knowledge, (ii) community preparedness for imminent quakes, and (iii) overall trust in religious and/or political institutions. Respondents demonstrated a deeply traditional, and conservative outlook bearing fatalistic attitudes toward earthquakes, and associating them with increased religious impropriety or unfaithfulness, the day of judgement, divine retribution, and punishment for the collective sins of the society. This crucial research was then compared to similar studies from Morocco and Libya. In the assessment of seismic risk perception in these four countries study findings revealed that participants were (a) not sufficiently knowledgeable, (b) had limited earthquake knowledge had no scientific basis, (c) held strong fatalistic attitudes toward them, (d) mostly unprepared or ill-prepared, (e) governed by religious and cultural attitudes that often censured discussions of quakes, and (6) in the case of Kabul City, everyday worries of armed conflicts and political violence were reported as the primary sources of concern downplaying the dangers of an earthquake

    The Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities Development of Livestock in Aceh Besar

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    This research aims to analyze the constraints and opportunities of livestock business development in  Aceh  Besar.  The  data  used  in  this  research  is  primary  data  obtained  by  distributing questionnaires to the related parties such as Animal husbandry in Aceh and Aceh Besar, breeders, breeders association and manager of slaughterhouse. The data analyzed by using SWOT analysis. The research found that the opportunity of livestock development is great enough beside the availability of land, government participation in giving seed (calf) of Aceh cattle to a number of breeders, mowers/feed crusher, vaccination, administration, artificial insemination and land development for forage. In addition, the constraints experienced by cattle breeders are limited which based on the infrastructure, poor management of cattle breeders, lack of cage sanitation, limited forage during dry season, and the demands of industry/manufacture are still dominated by imported beef

    Interview with Aisha Ikramuddin

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    Aisha Ikramuddin is a former environmental health educator who has participated in anti-racist and environmental activism since her college years. She is an Indian Muslim, raised in eastern Washington, and also identifies as a lesbian, married to her wife of 20 years. She is a Sewing Auntie in the Auntie Sewing Squad and also volunteers locally to assist people in making appointments to receive their COVID-19 vaccine.https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/auntiesewing_interviews/1030/thumbnail.jp


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh persepsi nilai dan kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan kepercayaan merek serta loyalitas merek provider telepon seluler di Provinsi Aceh. selain itu penelitian ini juga menguji peran mediasi kepuasan pelanggan dan kepercayaan merek serta peran moderasi pengetahuan merek. Data diperoleh dari responden dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur sebanyak 357 kuesioner pada beberapa Kabupaten dan Kota di wilayah Provinsi Aceh sebagai sampel terpilih. Pemilihan wilayah sampel dan penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Analisis deskriptif dan verifikatif digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis dengan menggunakan software SPSS dan SEM Amos. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi nilai berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, kepercayaan merek dan loyalitas merek provider telepon seluler di Provinsi Aceh. Namun kualitas layanan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan kepercayaan merek, namun mempengaruhi loyalitas merek provider telepon seluler. Selain itu kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan merek dan loyalitas merek, dan kepercayaan merek berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas merek provider telepon seluler di Provinsi Aceh. Selanjutnya kepuasan pelanggan dan kepercayaan merek dapat memediasi dengan baik antara persepsi nilai dengan loyalitas merek, tetapi tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh kualitas layanan dengan loyalitas merek provider telepon seluler. Sedangkan pengetahuan merek mampu menjadi variabel moderasi murni (Pure Moderation Variabel) dalam hubungan kepuasan pelanggan dan loyalitas merek. Fuzzy Servqual digunakan mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan berdasarkan kualitas layanan dan kinerja yang dipersepsikan pelanggan, dimana hasilnya menunjukkan nilai yang dipersepsikan negatif (-) yang berarti rerata pelanggan merasa tidak puas dengan kinerja layanan provider telepon seluler di Provinsi Aceh.Katakunci: Persepsi Nilai, Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Kepercayaan Merek, Pengetahuan Merek, Loyalitas Merek Provider Telepon Selule


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    This study aims to see the effect of segmenting, targeting and positioning strategies on purchasing decisions at Zhalsa.Id Stores in Lhoksukon City. The sampling technique in this study is the accidental sampling technique. The sample taken in this study amounted to 130 consumers who bought at Zhalsa.Id Stores in Lhoksukon City. The results of this study indicate that partially segmenting and positioning variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. While the targeting variable has no effect on purchasing decisions at the Zhalsa.Id Store in Lhoksukon City. Segment, targeting and positioning variables simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at Zhalsa.Id Stores in Lhoksukon City